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[00:13] C: pourquoi vous venez dans ce musée
[00:17] V: dans ce musée < C: oui> ah oui parce que euh c'est les musées spécifiques pour le: zoo knowledge et moi mh je suis étudiante de biologie mais mon euh en: mon spécifique c'est les: les recherches dans les zoo knowledge dans + le c'est <C: dans les > les zoo knowledge + les animaux <C: OK> j'ai reçu + j'ai mis très raison dans les animaux <C: mh> donc j'ai beaucoup visité ces museums
[00:46] C: parce que vous vous intéressez aux animaux
[00:48] C: beaucoup aux animaux + tous les animaux
[00:50] V: non en fait pour moi mon spécifique c'est les mammaux <C: mammifères> V: mammifères oui m-mammaux oui + c'est ça
[00:58] C: donc ++ là vous avez commencé par regarder la vitrine des animaux ici qu'est ce que- c'est quoi ce qui vous intéresse d'ici
[01:09] V: c'est en fait le plus intéresse c'est là <C: alors on va aller voir> oui +
[01:14] C: donc vous regardez un petit peu: <V: c'est là> voilà +
[01:17] V: nous euh je suis très intéressée aux animaux parce que c'est très: + il est très intéressant <C: pourquoi> xx ce type de animaux <C: oui> oui je suis seulement aime ce type d'animaux + cet animaux +
[01:30] C: a-alors-mais vous les trouvez intéressants c'est ce que vous êtes en train de me dire <V: oui > mais qu'est ce qui vous intéresse
[01:37] V: euh: ++ (intervention au loin de V2) elle est très mignon <C: mignon> très mignons les deux + les petits + ça c'est pour moi + ça c'est les mamans <C: d'accord> donc ça c'est en fait euh les nour- dans la nature comment on va l-les petites il est + joueur + il est jouet <C: mh mh> et les mamans mais c'est-+ il est aussi + sont trop spécifique de étud-étudier comment prendre les nookies et quelque chose pour ça + donc euh
[02:11] C: les nookies c'est quoi
[02:12] V: nourrissent <C: ah les nourrissent> elles mangent elles nourrissent <C: d'accord comment ils les nourrissent> oui-oui comme-comme il est jeune <C: mh> c'est en train et-mettre de étudier donc euh
[02:24] C: c'est ce que vous étudiez comment ils les nourrissent
[02:25] V: non parce que en fait il est-il est pour les petites + ça c'est seulement il est: jouer + mais pour la maman c'est aussi des + il est étudié comment il prend trouve les nourrisses + comment il prend par exemple euh les hasou les: + <C: les rats> les rats oui oui tout de que- donc c'est comment s'appelle + les trainings + je sais pas comment explique en français (rires)
[02:54] C: training + l'entraînement
[02:54] V: oui l'entraînement oui comme ça
[02:55] C: vous voulez dire que quand ils jouent comme ça c'est comme un entraînement + à la chasse
[02:58] V: euh comme on dit les- c'est pas les: + les étudier les mh +
[03:09] C: vous êtes plus à l'aise en anglais Evelyn
[03:10] V: oui oui-je parlais plus de l'anglais mais-parce que c'est- < C: vous voulez parler en anglais> si: c'est bon <C: oui: oui c'est comme vous voulez> ah d'accord ok
[03:19] C: faites-le en anglais
[03:20] V: ok because euh for the children + the baby fox they are juste playing but for the mum it's like also the way they learn how to find the food <C: mh ok> so they kind of- they play and they learn so it's very very interesting to learn their: behaviour + for the fox <C: d'accord> it is animal behaviour + it is one of the most interesting part yeah
[03:45] C: you are interested in: animal behaviour
[03:47] V: yeah-animal behaviour yea +
[03:50] C: ok + you are taking pictures
[03:51] V: yeah + no but for that we just only really liked this kind of animal + yeah
[04:01] V: ok we-+ I know I know-I don't know to-I forgot the name of this but for that-because there is the two little pigs-I think <C: mh mh> I think I showed it and this one because in-I just told my friends this- this one here xx <C: the big one> the big one yeah it's- <C: the father let's say> yeah yeah the father because that animal is in the Lion King the cartoon Lion king it's the-the Pumbaa <C: oui oui exact> yeah (rires) that's what we were talking about
[04:34] C: so we were looking at this animal <V: it's very xx> you are thinking at the same at the Walt disney film
[04:38] V: yeah yeah yeah + yeah + my (rires) we didn't see this line because we are both afraid of the butterflies but- <C: your are afraid> they are all butterflies <C: why> I don't know-we're both afraid of butterflies+ a little bit <C: mh mh> it's a kind of psychological problem (rires) I think
[05:02] C: but you mean is it a cultural approach or-only you
[05:06] V: no no it's just us + it's just only we that + <C: mh> yeah +++ you + I said it later because I saw this xx I din't recognize that sculpture I think he is very famous in zoo knowledge +the sculpture over there
[05:22] C: yeah probably you mean the man
[05:23] V: yeah yeah yeah <C: yeah probably> ++ and when we go:
[05:31] C: and then you are going
[05:32] V: through here this is all the turtles <C: yeah> yeah and these are all the birds <C: colibris> yeah and these are all the birds
[05:37] C: your are not really interested in birds
[05:39] V: + I do <C: si-yes> yeah but I-but I just want-+ I watch very close-closely because I thought they are in one species + but they are not + they are a little bit different but they are in one species <C: mh> so like they have different shapes different colour because they live in different environment <C: mh> yeah that's like from + when we classify the different species of the birds we can classify from the shape of their mouth but it's clear that they have a similar shape very long very thin so I thought they are in same species but they are different + a little bit different becouse they are living in different environment + that's what I thought
[06:23] C: did you try to read something it's only what you thought without reading something
[06:33] C: there is nothing I think + if I remember for this showcase
[06:41] V: euh no: this + what I remember I think it's called x Alaska something it's the big one of the biggest
[06:48] <C: you mean the turtle>
[06:48] V: yea the-the turtle it's-I think it's one of the biggest <C: mh> I remember I read an article about that +
[07:00] C: you read an article but euh before coming
[07:03] V: euh <C: in the museum> before coming <C: yes before coming> yeah yeah
[07:09] C: so you are not interested in the crocodile
[07:14] V: the crocodile I-I- that's what I just said + I said that-that big huge crocodile <C: yeah> I saw it from the river Nile because the crocodile in the river Nile is one of the biggest crocodile in the world that's what I just say in chinese in this video <C: mh> yeah +
[07:29] C: so you know-you know it and euh
[07:32] V: I know it yeah I do + this kind of stuff I do-I have lots of memory euh I saw it's euh we didn't go inside because that's the museum for the insects <C: and> and were really both afraid of insects so we passed it <C: mh mh> (rires) yeah + here or I don't have the xx <C: but> like a huge family + they are all birds + we saw + I tried to read the words <C: mh> they are all for birds + we just go inside because I-before we came to this museum I read an article + an introduction and said this-this museum has one of the biggest collection of birds <C: yea> so that's we were that ok so we are trying to see different kinds of birds
[08:16] C: so how-do-did you find this-those showcases + those ways of showing birds+
[08:27] V: mh I think it's a little bit bored it's not + it's just really a kind of collection for me + it's like-there are collections + we have this kind of collections of birds this: huge amount + it's really huge amount <C: mh mh> but we didn't really show out like + were they live <C:mh> and where like + where they come from + what kind of environment do they live <C: mh> and also for this kind of the-the little notes it's not really clear because like + at least when you write where do get this bird this-this exact one and what's the species name in latin and maybe in english or in germany I don't know but generally in french but it's not really that good for-to people who doesn't really-doesn't know anything about zoo knowledge to understand what they are <C: mh> they are just collections like-for a professor of animal behaviour or animal or zoo knowledge + they will understand but for no more people it's a little bit bored
[09:29] V: I just pass yeah I couldn't even-I couldn't remember all the birds I can't
[09:35] C: so sometime you look at <V:yeah we look> at one of xx
[09:39] V: yea I look one of like euh some species- when we were interested in or I can recognize it and we were look close
[09:48] C: so what + in your opinion why are you interested in this or this what is the +
[09:54] V: ok some species like euh we-like euh I like eagle ++ it's kind of like the personal euh perfection I-I like this special bird eagle so we will look very close <C: mh> but the other is like I don't recognize what exact species the is but it's just look strange for me I never see it before and I will spend more time on it <C: mh> yeah +
[10:23] C: so and what do you say
[10:25] V: oh I say-I said I thought it might be like euh because some of them I thought it might be like in a pair + <C: mh> these birds that we have like one male and one female because sometimes in some species of birds that male and female looks different <C:mh> so they were picked with two here that's what I thought I'm not quite sure whether it's true or not ++ euh I xxx + C: you didn't find any indication in this euh to understand what's was the question + I mean the question you ask <V: mh> you didn't find any comments or writing things
[11:05] V: I think maybe for this huge amount of collection maybe-it's + it might be better if we have more like introduction for species + for these special species so normal-normal people will understand more about it <C: mh> that's what I thought
[11:23] C: because then you pass all- you have-
[11:25] V: even for me because I couldn't recognize all so-some of them yeah I'm very interested maybe just for the colour <C: mh> or maybe for + oh it's cute so <C: ok> yeah it's like that but-there is really no like euh mean of education for people to really learn something in this kind of collection because there are too much there're too many and the introduction were too less
[11:48] C: something is missing for you
[11:50] V: yea something is missing ++ oh we were
[11:54] C: what you are looking
[11:54] V: no no no we it's-we were trying discussing because I thought euh + the other side of the room is the collection of insects <C: right > we were really trying to avoid going there (rires) so I ask my friend just go to see if there is any insect there +
[12:10] C: ok you are really afraid <V: yea I am really afraid> so you are looking
[12:15] V: I'm trying to remember who is this guy +<C: Hermann> yeah I'm trying to remember because I'm not quite familiar with this name + but I thought he was named the one who-like we call I think we call him the father of the xxx or the classification of the animals and all the plants
[12:39] V: yeah but I don't think so I think he is a Jean xx something the guy the name of this guy <C: this one> yea <C: Hermann + Jean Hermann> I'm not quite familiar I took a picture you can see it afterwards I-I took a picture of the name and I'm gonna to research online for-to- what he did (rire)
[12:57] C: did you like the cabinet
[13:00] V: yeah it's cool + and my friend was afraid of it it's a kind of like frightened because he-she thought it's a real man (rires) <C: rires> + but it's cool
[13:10] C: you mean she thought-she's-
[13:12] V: she just thought he's real x+ she says to me ho + I was frightened because- <C: but it's a joke> it's a joke-no because she was really afraid <C: you mean today> yeah just now + she just told me that I thought he was a real man there sitting there and then-ok (rires)
[13:29] C: (rires) really yeah but for a very short time + ok so then
[13:40] V: I think that's all +++ yeah I-I don't suggest her to go past the area because I think the part is the room for the insects so we just turn around ++ I was trying-I think this-this is his book
[14:01] C: yeah well part of his book
[14:03] V: yeah + like the first page or something I think
[14:06] C: yeah + and you are trying to read or understand
[14:10] V: yeah I-I was trying to read but not all of them + they are in french +
[14:16] C: but you read french
[14:19] V: I do I do but euh when I come to France I didn't really euh my + my speciality changes a little bit into the fooding xx and not trully animal behaviour or zoo knowledge
[14:36] C: mh +++ (en off dans la vidéo subjective on entend une des visiteuses dire probablement en chinois "dei dei dei dei di" ) what means de-de-de
[14:41] V: oui-we just say yeah yeah + yeah it's right +
[14:46] C: and she-what-euh she was talking about what
[14:50] V: what did you say I forgot + I-I think-oh yeah she asks me euh she said I think he-it's just an-he was euh learning for all the species of the animals because I saw different animals here + <C: mh> even butterflies and-yeah I think so because I saw like the birds the mammals the insects the fish anything euh everything so I thought it's right he's just he's for euh scientist for the zoo knowledge but not for like one special species +++ this is the pigeon I think is that a pigeon ++ I think they are from South- South America <C: yeah + parrots> parrots yeah <C: not really pigeon> no no no parrots yeah
[15:48] C: so what euh what do you find on those animals + you are talking about what +
[15:57] V: no I-because for the euh parrots I know they are very rare right now they are one of the less amount + they are protected very seriously right now because euh people xx are trying to sell them in the black market and to-for this I know this the coral <C: mh> very old one + I thought there was the collection of that scientist + I thought this shows the belong that scientist but I'm not quite sure about that
[16:35] C: you mean the scientist Hermann
[16:38] V: yeah yeah yeah I thought that's the collection of him + of his but I'm not sure
[16:44] C: I think you're right <V: mh> I think you're right
[16:48] V: you see they look very old I'm going + I was taking a picture of the name <C: mh> trying to + maybe I can remember how to spell it + I'm going to search online after <C: ok> +++ here from the ocean and euh + yeah I think that's all we were trying to just go out and there is- yeah
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Ce document a été généré avec Advene le 2012-06-29.